
920 Result(s)
Media Resource

In this episode of the NEH-funded BackStory—“Another Burden…

Media Resource

This media resource highlights the NEH-funded project, Unladylike2020, and includes questions to guide students through the viewing of the one-hour special and short videos, along with…

Media Resource

This media resource features three videos that address a series of questions about The Papers of the War Department, a collection that provides insight into a broad range of issues…

Media Resource

The NEH-funded PBS documentary series Latino Americans chronicles the long history of Latinos in what is now the United States. Episode 3: War and Peace focuses on the…

Media Resource

With funding from NEH, the Virtual Martin Luther King Project, or vMLK, offers an innovative resource for teaching one of King’s important but unrecorded speeches. Delivered on…

Media Resource

More than ten-thousand Japanese Americans were incarcerated at Heart Mountain in Wyoming, from 1942-1945. This resource asks students to examine the question "why here?" through the use of videos…

Media Resource

Father Columba Stewart delivered the 2019 Jefferson Lecture, titled, "Cultural Heritage Present and Future: A Benedictine Monk’s Long View."

Media Resource

Dr. Rita Charon delivered the 2018 Jefferson Lecture, titled, "To See the Suffering: The Humanities Have What Medicine Needs," on Monday, October 15, 2018. In her lecture, Dr. Charon meditates on…

Media Resource

Martha C. Nussbaum delivered the 2017 Jefferson lecture, titled, "Powerlessness and the Politics of Blame" on May 1, 2017.

The Dust Bowl examines the worst man-made ecological disaster in American history documenting its causes, impact, and lessons as well as personal stories of survival and human endurance.

The Dust Bowl depicts a morality tale about human’s relationship with the land and the consequences of…

Emphasis on the arts is found in many of Ken Burns’s films, and The Dust Bowl is no exception.

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Walden, Henry David Thoreau’s classic meditation on self-reliance and nature, continues to offer students a valuable perspective nearly two centuries after its first publication in 1854.…

Media Resource

Explore historical maps, discover stories you never knew, find people and historical events related to the Mall's past.

Media Resource

This video guides researchers through the advanced search features of the Chronicling America database, including filtering by state, newspaper title, date range, page number, and…

Media Resource

This episode of NEH-funded BackStory explores the idea of assimilation in the United States from the eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth century, with connections to current…

Media Resource

This resource is part of EDSITEment’s…

Media Resource

This resource is part of EDSITEment’s…

Media Resource

This resource is part of EDSITEment’s Race…

Media Resource

This NEH-supported interview with Ernie LaPointe, great-grandson of Sitting Bull and author of Sitting Bull: His Life and Legacy, and Cedric Good House, discusses the Lakota…

Media Resource

The Black Archives of Mid-America, located in Kansas City, Missouri, was founded by Horace Peterson III in 1974. Today, the Black Archives houses some of the most important sources related to the…

Media Resource

By investigating the lives and events recorded in newspapers, official documents, and personal correspondence from this collection, students will immerse themselves in the past and discover the…

Media Resource

This episode of BackStory recounts the turbulent history of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Each segment below contains a clip from the podcast as well as a set of comprehension…

Media Resource

This episode of BackStory discusses the ways people in the U.S. have responded to technological changes over the centuries, highlighting that suspicion of such changes is often…

Closer Readings Post

This resource presents a variety of artworks, from the 17th century to the present, that highlight the presence and experiences of Black communities across the Atlantic world (the relationships…

Media Resource

A collection of essays and lessons created by the National Endowment for the Humanities and National History Day as part of the NEH’s special initiative to advance civic education and the…

Media Resource

This resource is part of EDSITEment’s …

Media Resource

Smarthistory is an NEH-funded digital humanities project that offers free resources on art, history, and art history for classrooms and public enjoyment. Curated by scholars from…