Media Resources

EDSITEment provides access to NEH-funded media resources including videos, podcasts, lectures, interactives for the classroom, and film projects. Each resource includes questions to prompt analysis, connections to other NEH-related resources, and links to related EDSITEment lessons and materials.

116 Result(s)
Immigration and Citizenship Keyword Thesaurus for Chronicling America

This media resource features a guide to searching topics of immigration and citizenship status in Chronicling America, including a thesaurus of historically accurate keywords that may help produce more results. Remember, primary documents from the past contain sensitive content, and the suggested keywords are often offensive to several different communities of people.  

Race and Ethnicity Keyword Thesaurus for Chronicling America

This media resource features a guide to searching topics of race and ethnicity in Chronicling America, including a thesaurus of historically accurate keywords that may help produce more results. Remember, primary documents from the past contain sensitive content, and the suggested keywords are often offensive to several different communities of people.  

Citizenship Keywords for Chronicling America

This resource is part of EDSITEment’s Immigration and Citizenship Keyword Thesaurus for Chronicling America. Here you will find historically accurate keywords that may help in using the Chronicling America historic newspaper database to research topics related to citizenship.  

I Remember: Japanese Incarceration During WWII

A video interview series conducted with Sam Mihara, a Japanese American incarcerated at Heart Mountain, Wyoming during WWII, that includes primary sources and other materials.

Why Here?: Selma, Bloody Sunday, and the Long Civil Rights Movement

Selma, Alabama served as a major site of civil unrest in response to the disabling conditions of Jim Crow laws for Black Americans in the South. This page outlines Selma’s history, the Bloody Sunday massacre, and the ensuing responses to these racial injustices. Testimonies from activists and foot soldiers recorded by faculty and graduate students at Auburn University offer a comprehensive survey of Selma’s civil rights history and maps the legacy of these protests onto social justice movements in the twenty-first century. 

Immigration Keywords for Chronicling America

This resource is part of EDSITEment's Immigration and Citizenship Keyword Thesaurus for Chronicling America. Here you will find historically accurate keywords that may help in using the Chronicling America historical newspaper database to research topics related to immigration.