BackStory: What’s Cooking? A History of Food in America

J.E. Sheridan, "Food is Ammunition: Don't Waste It." A poster from the United States Food Administration during World War I.
We often hear about famous food-related moments in history: the Boston Tea Party, victory gardens planted during the world wars, boycotts and hunger strikes led by farmworkers pursuing fair and humane working conditions. In "What’s Cooking? A History of Food in America," you'll learn more about less well-known, but no less important or interesting, parts of culinary history.
Because food is both a basic requirement for life and bound up in economic, cultural, and social relationships everywhere, it is a great way to draw learners into a topic with a familiar concept, and then challenge them to think about the different implications of the foods people have eaten, and how they’ve eaten them, over time, from how those foods are produced, transported, and purchased, to the social and cultural contexts in which they’re consumed.
Below, find comprehension questions and EDSITEment resources, all grouped by segment. A full transcript of the episode is available at the BackStory site.