Revolutionary Tea Parties and the Reasons for Revolution

Portrait depicting the Boston Tea Party.
"Bostonian's SONS keep up your Courage good, And sink all Tyrants in their GUILTY BLOOD."
—From the broadside "Tea destroyed by Indians" (1773)
The Boston Tea Party was the inspiration for a number of similar events that occurred throughout the American colonies. Some colonists were very angry. One broadside poem describing the original tea party ended with the charge that all good sons of Boston should "sink all Tyrants in their GUILTY BLOOD!" Why all this rebellious fervor about tea? Did Britain's Tea Act and the resulting controversy in the colonies lead to the American Revolution?
Note: For activities specifically related to events surrounding the Boston Tea Party, see the complementary EDSITEment lesson, The Boston Tea Party: Costume Optional?
Guiding Questions
Why did colonists respond to the Tea Act differently than other taxes they were forced to pay?
How did the Boston Tea Party change the relationship between the colonies and England?
Why do issues of "taxation without representation" continue today?
Learning Objectives
Analyze the causes and effects of the Boston Tea Party.
Examine the similarities and differences between the tea parties the preceded and followed the event in Boston.
Evaluate the the extent to which the goals of the protesters were achieved.